Sunday, December 13, 2009
Pusser's Pain Killer?? Bahama Mama??! I'm Down : )
Full Moon Rising... Each One Means Something Different ~ My Favorite Was The One in August* The One That Strikes Me Extremely Curious is the one of 2010* No Reason Particular, butt Fore sight might lead me to be bewildered* Such an experiment to consider for an uncertain near future of winter radiance~
An Island Hop* From One Fantasy to Another ~ With No Remorse* Wish Ya coulda Made It Sweetie:)
White Magic?? The Only Literal Magic I even Care For Besides Celtic Legends*
I went to the Green house and I drank a Pusser's Pain Killer with my own pain killers. I killed pain first than I drank a Bahama Mama. 2 Drinks, 2 Pills, 2 Bowls, And a Broke hand from the Jungle.
I told my boy Max from Cali that when get back to the West, I am gonna get x-rays of my hand and develop them into a poster.
Since the jungle and the way I re-broke my hand, I have been eating my 'doctor-vitamins' for pain-related thangs. Physical pain never bothers me as much as the other 2 types even though it is the other 2 types that show no visual scar.
But to eat a buncha Rum at tropical places I still ain't seen (even though these days is my end), I drank a particular Rum-Painkiller at the Same time I took onna Bahama Mama!! :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My Children's Book Came Together ~ And I Had a Dream of a Distant Angel*
Just a Thought* A Goddess Mermaid among the Tropic Dolphins*
This is something I saw on the Wall where I published my first children's book at*
And When I Would've Loved To Leave America Behind for Something More~
It Seems That Sometimes I see more in people than What they actually see themselves for... Imagine*
I had an emotional day in a way. I had a rough draft printed of my first published book. It is Irish Island Pirate Crum. I got back and felt like I mighta been havin' a hard day because I just needed to sleep a little. I took a nap...
I had a dream that I was standing 3 feet in front of a really cute angel. She had her hair pulled back and she was crying right in front of me. I remember her eyes because she looked in mine with them. She told me she couldn't wait for me... I understood. Then I woke up. I would've chose to hug her though*
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Cut My Hand With a Chainsaw ~ Tore it Up in the Jungle ~ Found the Thrill ~ Heard Kind Words ~ & a Cannabis Seminar*
My Caribbean Brothers Joe and Ray*
They had my back about it all man~
In the jungle today, I gouged a wound in my hand with the chainsaw. My good buddy Steve Prosterman bought a new chainsaw for me to be unleashed with. I broke 2 of them already (or maybe 3 or 4). So this new chainsaw was about 5 times more powerful. I cut my hand open with it. It made a boomerang in my hand. It thought that was symbolic because I left home once to chase certain things, and now, like a boomerang, I am coming back to the Yellow Brick Road: Home.
What was such a beautiful out of this world memory for me in his jungle I work at, is that I cut down the hugest tree in his whole exotic forest. It was a tree that was so tall it must have been several centuries old. Once I fell it, it opened the whole jungle to a gust and sudden rush of wind. I watched it timber, then through the ravine, the element of wind was released into an enclosed jungle. It was so magical and awesome. I'll never forget it maan*
Then me and my bro Joe went on a cruise through the island. We listened to The Thrill. It is the anthem of my Caribbean Dreams. I realized after letting go, that once closure came, so did everything else. Maybe letting go of everything means that you might actually have everything* As I was by myself (not really literally) it dawned on me how many things I made happen. You win some, you lose some... But I guess you live to travel and give again. Everyday is something I am thankful for because I still remember that I am not even actually supposed to be alive... I mean, I am, of course; Meaning it just must not of been my time. But I am only here because I made the choice to be. The day of my accident, if I would have chose to lay there and suffer after hitting the trees that hard, I would have passed on in 15 minutes. If I would have been transferred to the hospital I was literally saved at in an ambulance, I would have died on I-5 on 4 wheels. If it wasn't for me snowboarding down that mountain after I didn't even know where I was once I hit the trees, and if it wasn't for the helicopter Paul called for life-flight, I would not be here right now. I would have never discovered Ireland... Or a friend... Or the things I had to feel here in the Caribbean. People still ask me about my scar and my tattoo all the time. There has been so many people who have made it a point to go out of their way to say that they will miss me so much.
It reminds me of a dream I had the morning I seen someone for the first time back home. In that dream she said she missed me and she was wearing red and leaning on my shoulder with a truthful smile that indicated a happiness that seems vague and vivid. She was wearing red, which indicated something in my interpretations that I am choosing to keep to myself. Something that may present truth or not in times soon enough. We'll see.
But for the people here who ask me when I am going home, many of them wish me to stay. I have too many medical problems and this place ain't home in my eyes. It is a Paradise to come back to soon enough. I ran into Gemma again, she seen my internet book for the first time. A lot of people have at this point and their first description is the word 'interesting.' I seem to hear that a lot. She said she is going to show all of her friends in Dominica because she believed it to be really cool and she was thrilled to see that I put how we met in my internet book about my island life. It is everything people in Dominica would love a lot.
I gave Vernel a post card of the beaches I'm from. She was always a very sweet woman who exerted kind words and genuine concerns in times that despair was clearly in my eyes. Sweetness and concern are 2 things that only someone like me would appreciate immensely. After getting food, I saw a homie here who had a long sad face.
"Rashad, whats wrong man? I see you looking solitary and sad over here. What's happenin'?"
"I lotta shits goin on maan."
"I know, I can tell. Thats why I'm here."
He smiled. Then I cracked a lotta hilarious humor and talked about 2pac and one of our Professors I imitate really well. He went from being sad to smilin' in an instant. I like it when people smile after havin' been sad. I say that for myself as well.
Somethings in my past life I can't shake. Home is just days away and it seems that I am just as nervous as I am comfortable. I'm just as enthralled as I am overwhelmed.
Now~ :)
My brother Joe from Orlando had a psychology presentation to do in his class. He chose to do a presentation on medical marijuana. I was his show and tell!! See, I represented Oregon and my card and gave a seminar in the class about my medical conditions. About how I eat 3 drugs and use one medicinal herb. And every single one of them are documented and validated through The Department of Human Services, and afforded by the Oregon health plan, which is some of the best medical coverage possible for someone like me. This show and tell was hilarious! Me being a cannabis activist at the same time I was bein' a scholarly comedian, these people got a kick out of it. I explained every medical benefit that outweighs most pharmaceutical concoctions that have adverse side-affects. They were very entertained and just as equally curious. Before this though, Joe was so pumped because I brought a lot to the table for his presentation so much that his excitement was something he rehearsed before class.
He says, "I'm gonna play a Slightly Stoopid video to set the mode, then I am gonna hand out the flier I made with all medical truths according to federal sources, then I am gonna read my paper, then I'm gonna introduce you and you gonna take the floor for it aite? Like, 'This is Justin Fuckin' Crum.' Those was his exact words. God, he was pumped for me man. That was quite a moment. It gave good flashbacks of my past life last spring with the girl I really liked a lot... Lady Nina*
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Biggest Ship in the World ~ Smallest Island on Earth ~ Savanna Underwater Caves**
My Brother Joe, Holdin' Down What Everyone is Taking On
Never Felt Better Ever*
I Damn near went to Puerto Rico today. Our last Dive of the Year and we went so far away from St. Thomas. I ain't never seen such a thing in my life. A place called Savanna. I went through several underwater caves. I think it was about 70 feet deep. I went through a current underwater as well as a luminous water channel that took you to a hidden light above. A surface hole above a deep underwater cave tunnel. I was dumb-founded.
Then I saw myself looking at something that was literally huger than the Titanic that was sunk after being shipped from Belfast. That was crazy to me. It was fantastic*
Dr. David Hall & Myself*
Scuba in the Caribbean
There is over 20,000 tourists here in St. Thomas right now!!! My Caribbean brother Lamont is gonna swoop me and Stino and we gonna go find it after my last scuba dive!! How fun.
It is over at Crown Bay right now, just passed KRUM BAY. Sometimes it's spelled like way it was when I was in high school. It is the hugest ship in the world with all kinds of stars, and powerful people.
I just met the president too. I spoke with him in his awesome office here at UVI. He asked me what caused me to select this place of all places. I gave him my answers and also let him know that I found there was a Bay here that is my last name. I also told him about the values of gain and loss. I told him of the adventures I had here as well as my observations about the island anarchy and crazy crime rate that transcends New York City. He asked my major and what I enjoyed about the classes I had here. I told him that his speech is in the first section of my island life here in the Virgin Islands is something I included into my electronic journalism. Something about how "Faith Conquers fear. And hard work is mightier than doubt."
I told him of all the great things I had a chance to see and say. I let him know that my professors learned just as much from me as I had from them. He was curious about my parents* I told him all about them~
I'm gonna go to the reefs for the last Caribbean Fun dive of my time here and after, I am gonna take the pictures of this world's largest vessel**** + **
Monday, December 7, 2009
And Dominica?!! Gemma Thanx!! Champaign Reef?! Aite* I'll be back*
My Dominican Summer in 2012??!
Maybe If I Wanna :)
I Know there isn't anywhere I CAN'T go.
"Hey, I was looking for you."
"I'm Here."
"This is what I told you about on the Safari."
(It turns out, on the way back to my residence in North here at UVI, I came across a woman who was asking of me on the safari. She told me she is from Dominica and she noticed I dive deep because she seen me walkin' with my fins.)
(earlier in the day on the safari)
"What's your major?"
"I do video production, media, music, and books. Basically creative works I guess."
"Your not marine biology?"
"Nah, I got scuba here and history courses too."
"We run a dive shop down in Dominica and we've noticed you. I have something I want to give you."
It turns out, right when I went back to my room she found me where I said I'd be. When she found me, she told me about Champagne Reefs and how Dominica is the most Beautiful underwater adventures. That there are species there in that sea that aren't anywhere else.
Champagne Reefs in Dominica is underwater springs that are HOT.
She gave me a DVD from the company that is laced with contact information. Before she left I said, "You haven't formally introduced yourself to me."
"I'm Gemma."
"Is that spelled how it sounds?"
Thanks, I'll be back when I can escape the real world again later on. I'll hit you up*
The People of St. Criox Said...
The Lessons of the Rastafarian Lion. Cannabis was a Holy Herb on Soloman's Grave back in ZION'S day. Everything Bob Marley Martyred for*
They talked to me for the last day of class. They were in St. Criox but they were talkin' to me through the Class Room WebCam Titan-trons. They all think I'm hilarious. They kept laughin' at me through somethin' between a class in St. Thomas and St. Criox that is a lot like a Giant SKYPE account. They all wanted to know where I was from and if I was staying. It was quite a moment. They speak to me from a whole nother other island. They took my email and told me they wanted to see my internet books. Heather and Megan and a few others that were really cool. They busted up when I told them that the Holy Herb comes to me medically because Solomon says so. They thought a lot of the Pirate Life was awesome.
I also realized I meet the President Tomorrow. He has granted Videography and photography with no problem. The Oasis of the Seas is gonna be at Haven Site tomorrow and all of St. Thomas is gonna be as populated as downtown Dublin when I was runnin' through a sea of pedestrians in 7 different directions* Whoa. I also go on my last Caribbean Underwater Exploration Dive.
All these people got me goin' out with a bang man. They are all givin' great goodbyes and taking pictures with me. I'm gonna miss them a lot* They are awesome, hilarious, and true here.
I always swim~
I gotta write my paper on Machiavelli too. My Dad raised me very Machiavellian even though he wouldn't know what that means.
I haven't felt this good in my new life ever. My past life is something that activates modes of thought about a lot of this coming radiant winter(things between me and her), but as of now, I'm starting to feel some of the greatest things ever as I know all the things I have to look back at that are not worth discounting. I went and worked on my children's book this morning.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
This Island Life of Mine.... I'm Enthralled*
I Listened to a Collective Soul song that reminds me of a couple lost souls* It was HEAVY.
Then I heard a song that reminds of my Uncle that is incarcerated forever.
Our Lady Peace ~ Innocent
For the Collective Soul song, I caught recollections of my past life. That made me smile*
When I heard Innocent, it made me pull a few tears off my face.
I Went to a fellowship this morning. My spirit wouldn't know what to think, feel, do, or say so I was unsure of what to pray about or wish for on behalf of myself and the ones that I care for or deem to be important. There are so many of them but I'm returning to something I wouldn't have known of in a long time. My conception of time is a little different than most peoples though.
I never felt more liberated then today. On Tuesday, the same day I meet the President here, the HUGEST SHIP IN THE WORLD IS COMING TO WATERFRONT. All of St. Thomas is being rerouted and detoured because the hugest vessel in the world is coming close to Haven Site. It is three times huger than the Titanic from BELFAST. I'm absolutely enthralled!! It's called 'The Oasis of the Seas.' The dolphins would be cruisin' in packs. And...
That will be the last scuba dive of the Caribbean in underwater explorations for me here, for now. Last Tuesday I saw an octopus for the very first time underwater. I spotted him and gave my dive buddy a heads up because no one has seen one of those yet. I saw him cruisin' through the corals...
My Plans For Mt. A.
There was a woman here who seen me sit next to her. She told me it was frustrating because she takes female formula pills for things she cannot do.
She says, "You look so good. Your black bandanna, your black shirt, you turn me on."
"Well thanks for being forth-coming but I'm not trying to do that."
"I know, your just a very intelligent interesting man. You told me a lot about those spiritual stories of Jesus."
"Thanks. It was an honor. Take Care."
I had only so much time before the fair here by the bay. So I took myself to a place I was to present writings at on behalf of the Writer's Block from UVI. It was the published questions from Caleb, a Lunar Aquarian; as well as all the things I remembered. Things I learned. So I went to the fair then I went swimming for hours*
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I Recorded a Lunar Moon Rising**
And after a Radiant Winter Passes By Before I Know, Once I'm Home,
Spring will be here again and I will Jump in My River after work every day I'm dirty.
Every Full Moon means something different. We evaluate time by a Calendar very different than the souls that existed before print and civilization. Before technology existed, humans of Paleolithic eras or more ancient eras evaluated time by the constellations and cycles in the sky. All Full Moons indicate something.
Tonight I recorded the Last Full Moon Rising of this year for me here in 2009. It doesn't seem like things people at home would think of because it is the Last Full Moon of the Year but it is Summer to me here. The Caribbean is Badass! I do not discount this experience at all and I became more than I thought possible just because I decided to go for it.
Before a second chance was granted to me the day I became slightly paralyzed in my accident, I had a moon sign that was of the virtue experience.
As of a decision to calculate Mt. Ashland and that day of my accident as a new Birthday, my Lunar Sign became virtues that are ideal.
For a Full Moon Rising for the Last Time in 2009 concluding an Endless Summer of mine, being a Lunar Aquarian, I also discovered that I can likely be some one who harbored Pisces as the essences for the planets of war and love (Mars and Venus). I find that to be quite incredible.
And I Also...
Went Skinny Dippin'.
Exerted Fire outta my eyes today...
Met a man I found in the Park I went to Publish a children's book in...
I felt a surge of encouragement at the same time I damn near cried about how happy I feel knowing I'll see my parents soon enough. I miss them so much.
My Tattoo came alive again...
I had my recollections about talking to a close friend in Portland, my friend Mackenzie. She was always loyal and true.
I also realized that even though I lost what I thought a lot of at one point, perhaps there is more in store for me. I miss her so much though.
Dear Tony... Thanks For Your Support and Prayers* It Helps a World Like Mine ~ More Than You Know*
Your Counsel is one of the Brightest Insights I've Heard.
And I Believe in your Words~
Whats up Tony,
It's spirited brothers like you that I appreciate in a world like this. I thank you so much for your prayers and support. Your story really lifted my spirits. Yet, at the same time, I feel like I might be in limbo about admitting to myself that I should let go. It's been a wild ride in this life of mine. I really got out and saw the world. Even if it meant losing an amazing ****. I wouldn't know that things could make any sense any time soon because I am only days away from leaving summer to enter an instant winter. I have already felt the reverse culture shock and instant seasonal shock too. Here I am in a tropical Paradise thinking of Christmas and December when my head, heart, body, and spirit are still very much locked in what feels like a lot of August. I admire your grounded foundation as a good man in a wicked world. You are so down to Earth that people like me are just as awesome in your eyes as all the people you come across in an awesome fellowship. Thanks for your help Tony. Take Care...
Best Regards
Justin Crum
These Island Night Life Moments are at their end now...
I am going home...
There is no place like HOME.
I Woke this morning from a dream that I was not comfortable with at all. It made me feel a certain way that just made me say, "Shake it off Crum." It was kind of a sad way to start the day. Yet at the same time, it kinda triggered past time emotions that I can't validate right now. A Universe in a person.
After feeling that way by beginning the day, I chose to listen to a song that reminds me of home. It is called Saturate by Breaking Benjamin. I never used to listen to it at all because of how soft and unenergetic it initially sounds. I realized that the last half of that song has everything to do with what I felt after I the things I've been through in 2009. I just turned it up and cried at the same time I enjoyed it. A really emotional musical piece having to do with staying alive forever...
Then Shakira came at me randomly... Singing about being 'Ready For The Good times.' Thas a helluva fantasy man...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hola December, I Remember...
I remember how it felt to be free.
I remember just yesterday a man I ain't met yet told me I remind him of Mucho Man Randy Savage. And Islander named Jack told me that same thing the first week I was here. How Ironic...
I remember a man in St. John that saw my tattoo outside of the convention and after speaking to me... It acknowledged a 'Hidden Mysticism."
I remember a 4 year old told me I look like a Pirate just three days ago. I thought that was fascinating coming from a four year old.
I remember I wrote a brief sequel to a fictional discovery that entailed a rainy, intuitive November night: Vide Eve Shereken.
I remember how they all became curious about my tattoo over my chest.
I remember feeling things 2 months after my birthday that I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
I remember how my parents helped me with so much more than they ever had to.
I remember being invisible even though I glowed... Even as far back as 2001.
I remember my gravest mistake that takes forgiveness... Whether it is ever requested or expressed the best or not.
I remember my fears manifesting themselves in worse ways I could've even thought. Nothing is the same and magic isn't always positive.
I remember how hard they laughed because they believed me to be the most hilarious and entertaining man they came across. They feed me free rum just for comin'.
I remember being all up in Nature's Best Kept Secret on 11~11.
I remember how I cried in the sky as I went to fly back to the islands for a couple weeks.
I remember how the LifeHouse songs came on at particular times that clarified wishes that I guess might have been blessed in disguise.
I remember feeling the best and worse things of my life in 2009.
I remember speaking to Christiana in L. A. while I was in St. Thomas before flying home for good.
I remember the airports in L.A. wanted to pat my head in security because I was wearing a leather jacket, a black bandanna, and a metal spike in my lip. I tore my Bandanna off and put it in their hands for them and said,
"My name is Justin Crum and I'm the only man from America that is an National Exchange Student in St. Thomas at the Caribbean. I'm an adventurer, not a gang-banger." She smiled. "Yeah, sorry, I forgot I was wearing a bandanna in California at L.A. of all places." She let me through... And she smiled when she did it*
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