~My Caribbean CapStone~
Its a Portal. I was very locked in a lot of optical illusions of tropical love and faith. However, I got through it. And supposing I would of died on 12/19/2009 after totaling my pathfinder, all that would have been left is these internet books.
The Way Your Bathed in Light Reminds Me of That Night
~~~Table of Contents - Aside From The Daily Post of Cyber Diaries~~~
1) What I Have Learned ~ Time To Tell ~ Time Will Tell 2) Luminous Poetry 3) War After Water (A Dream I Had In Alaska in 2006) 4) November 4th ~ Still Summer For Me
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
5) Megan's Word of Encouragement* 6) What I Missed and Wished for the Most* 7) The Day I Let Tears of Regret Fall From My Face (A Reference to the Truth Razors and Angers of November) 8)How It Would've Been 9) My Everyday is Worth 10,000 Words (A transcription of my life in the Middle of November When I Flew to the other Side of America for someone I Felt All Along) 10) Coki Beach and Sandy After* 11) December ~ And Before I Fly Home 12) Subtle Beauty ~ All at Once ~ February 13) My Fourth Night at the Beach ~ My Tropic Solitude ~ A Water Bed 14) Chronic Crum and King Mera 15) Questions From a Lunar Aquarian Named Caleb 16) Sekou! And Codes of Compatibility 17) Zeal, Thee Ideal, & A New Consciousness ~ A Response to the Concept of Whats Rational and Whats Not.
18) ~~~~ * GoodBye St. Thomas * ~~~~
19) ~~~~~~~~~ Imagine ~~~~~~~~~
"Come to me, all you who are weary... And I will give you rest."
Mathew 11:28
The State of Oregon Vs. CRUM
Crum Nation: Chronicles 101-333
Something I Learned From a Spirited Fellowship
Maturity is seeing the future results of present action and doing what is necessary to make it right.
I guess that is the story of my Endless Summer. At least on my side of this portal anyhow... I kept my conscious clear. Had nothing to hide. Was genuine the whole time*
~Love and Pain are one in the same in the eyes of a wounded child~
Plato Says
There are as many souls as there are stars, and each soul is originally allotted to a star. The souls fall to earth and become embodied, resulting in the experience of passions, but if they are able to master their emotions and love justice, they are sent back to their native star*
(Timaeus 41d-42d)
The Mayans said that art is the best healing medicine.
He took her by the hand and said, "Talitha Cumi." Which is Latin for "Arise Little Girl."
Adventure and Restoration
The Baths ~ Nature's Best Kept Secret****
I found Out The Irish Warriors of Old had it Happen to Them When They Were 17... 9 Lions*
It Wasn't Supposed to Happen Like That, Butt it doesn't mean that it couldn't of~
Though Transgressions are like scarlet, They transform through truth so that it is white as snow. Isaiah Says so...
My Uncle Rick Told Me Something From a Hospital Bed On The Night Of Christmas in 2009
He Was in Agony and he suffered pain so much that he kept expressing his psychical hurts. But I told him my life's path. I asked for advise about my situations and experiences. He could barely make sense but through it all, he said...
"Justin, Trust Your Heart."
He was delirious and in pain. But even still, he meant what he told me even if it wasn't easy. I cried because I could have died 6 days before this. He seen the side of me that I don't show most people.
I have often imagined that if you were with me for a lot of these realities, all the time I see or imagine these possibilities, I'm quite sure that if you were with me here, as I watch a lotta super-social tropical energy, I'm quite positive that you would fly up out of yourself and feel more free and wild than any Goddess child ever known. The fun, thrill, and limitless amount of good times are so far beyond doubt and fear... Or what could be imagined within Southern Oregon.
(Sometime in September or October of 2009)
Locked in a Place Where No One Goes ~TOOL~ The Phoenix*
After I Got Back!!! I Went Home In November butt Returned to St. Thomas and Found... (Wow) : ]
A Cyber-Social Structure that actually made me feel GOOD again!
Megan, I Love You* I Just Got Back In St. Thomas and Until I Came Down from the Clouds, I Was in the Sky after a time I had Cried. This is the way the first day of being back ends, you say to the world in such blessed regards of me:
If you were to play hide and go seek with Justin Crum, where would you find him?
"I have no idea these days, Jamaica, Ireland, Ashland?? He is turning into a world traveler...."
You Just Lifted the World Off my Broke Shoulders* Quite the inspiration Megan. Thank you so much K~ It Was Dark and Gloomy for a While...
Monday Monday November 23rd, 2009 (After I flew back to St. Thomas to Finish My Semester and Complete My Children's Book)
"Ya Know Were Never Gonna Survive Unless We Get A Little Bit Crazy."
January 3rd, AppleBees
The Purpose Driven Life*
There is no growth without change, no change without fear or loss, and no loss without pain. Pain leads to growth... Or so it was said...
Rick Warren
Sir William disclosed his definition of God*
"God is simply a force. A force that triggers creativity or creation in general."
~I like that~
All I ever dreamed of was abandoning the 9-to-5 life, living tropical fantasies, writing books, and escaping the real world for really remarkable chances and adventures. Thanks to my parents and someone special to me, I actually was able to live it. No one else went to Ireland and the Virgin Islands on the same year 2 near-death experiences occurred. I thank God because the Lord lined me up for such blessings. If the choice was mine, I would have brought a loved one with. Anything is possible. I guess I consider myself that proof. I'm still here.
These Were My Other Internet Books... The Last 2 Are The First 2 From Here In The Caribbean*
This was only an assignment from SOU. My professor asked me to write a poem that was deriving from having a radiant entity behind me. He meant to have us create something as if a luminous ghost was behind us working through us. He meant to put us up to transcribing the best I guess. He was looking for something out of this world. Poetry Professors... Ain't They some shit?
When the reflections is bright, I can barely see. That type of light can blind any kind of confusion. Complacence, solitude, wonder, and optimism. Cast it to one worth nothing less than magic. Abandon the real world for the fiction of our fancies. Warm water on a bond of mutual madness. Then sadness became a retired anchor cut from our travels. Everybody wants a confidant. The reflections bright, The possibilities deep. Sleepless world of wonder so care-free and personal. Passion promised in time, Patience came too late. Who goes there stays, Heaven came near. The stars became brighter one by one. We will all have wings one day. I’d take on the world at once. The waterfall fell from where all would tell. How could good be with held from huge hearts? An angel is faith’s ultimatum, an action is an answer. The moon is full in one week, and I am nocturnal. Come what ever may, Wait for warm rain. Alleviate the silence, unlock the Lion. Being the only acception, see through the reflection. Documents of what is once-in-a-world. Waters just as tropic and exotic as the notion of freedom itself. The animals welcome what otherwise is never known. Everyday is an adventure, not a struggle. The word burden vanished in the mist. My wishes granted to me from one world away.
(That Good Man From Nazareth)
Anyways, I wrote of something some time shortly after 2008 began more than a year or maybe two ago. I just found this in another other internet book and I thought to myself how crazy it must be that something I wrote of only a year or two ago is somehow true in this point of my life. I only meant to satisfy my courses. Little did I know, a lot of what I thought several seasons ago is a reality here and now. From some imagined deity speaking through me? Mr. Muhammad made me do it. It was only if he Wanted It To Mean The Most.
This is What it Is....
It is What it Is and it Was What it Was...
War After Water... (Written In Alaska in 2006)
In this dream, existed an island with an eerie aura. At the beach, people occupied a vague presence during a bright day. There was something subliminal about this island that implied war. As frightened as I was, I didn’t stick around to find out why. Out of fear and anxiety, I wasted no time in my escape to a new lagoon. And before I found a new land, as I was swimming to a new destination, I realized the most bizarre truth- Humans from separate directions were migrating to this island, underwater. It wasn’t a school of fish I was swimming through or against, it was a school of naked humans floating underwater seeking the island that I was the only one to retreat from. Maybe I was the only one that knew about the warfare that was inevitable there . The inevitable warfare that awaited once those underwater ones migrated.
Thanks For Making Me Who I Am. A Product of Forgiveness, Commitment, & Love: 2 Stars*
~Today~ November 4th... Still Summer 4 Me....
All my Irish Friends Got Ahold of me. They Showed Me Pictures of what my life was like in July. The time of July in the Summer of 2009, it was one of the greatest and craziest times of my life.
"I felt the best and worse things of my life in 2009."
I found out about even more things in Ireland I never knew of. They were such a thrill to talk to. They really mean to keep in touch so much. They thought I was sum shit : )
They had acronyms about my last name. And alias' and implications. A lot of them asked about a friend I had in my Ireland book. I told them that we are friends but I flew away twice so things kinda had to resolve themselves later I guess. But in a really awesome way, those friends in Ireland kind of knew more about how I thought and felt through out the time of those days anyhow so talking to them was just as company and comfortable to me as those at home that I guess know less. Kerry and Lisa were always badass and of all the people who kept me close to the most greatest regards, there will be more pictures for the times that may have occupied 7 of the greatest weeks of my life... I'm pumped about it.
~The British Virgin Gorda~
The Baths... And Caves...
I'll Never Know ~ You're Ready to Go ~ Alone out in the Cold? lol : ) That Damn Park Maan : ]
"It is the Fire of Suffering that brings forth the Gold of Godliness."
Rick Warren Says,
"God has a purpose behind every problem."
"Music is the Strongest Form of Magic."
Marilyn Manson
AndJason Wade (frum lifehouse) Says,
"... And if this night won't let me rest, don't let me second guesswhat I know to be real."
And when I got reprimanded by cathedral people in Ireland for wearing a bandanna in the church, I told him my favorite passage out of the Bible ~
1 Samuel 16:7
"So I'll Run and Hide and Tell Myself I'll Start Again With a Brand New Name. And I Succeed Into Infinity."
30 Seconds to Mars
"A Lot Can Happen In a Few Days."
Woody Knebel
"The People that are the Hardest to love are usually the ones that need it the most."
The Peaceful Warrior*
"Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly"
Chris Cornel
"Every Situation is a gift! It is designed to make you smarter, kinder, and more fully alive. It is a gift ~ The key is to understand how it is to you."
Ax's Friend Shelby*
"Tearing Down Windows and Doors and I Could Not Find Eyes Like Yours."
"Theres a place I see you following me. Just a taste of all that might come to be."
Breaking Benjamin
"Your Meditating with me Justin. Thats so sweet."
"Could it be that the greater someones experience of dark would balance that in which their experience of light? The darker their experience, the more powerful / the more potent their light? Maybe the lightest of the light beings have more of a darker battle to overcome."
"Nothing Happens the same way twice my dear."
He told Lucy in Narnia
Prides like a knife, it cuts deep inside Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes.
"Your Stabbing me through you. You're Stabbing you through him. And betting most of this world."
"Cold Silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion."
"I think the ability to know how to live with an honest conscious is probably the most powerful thing a good man can live with in a wicked world."
I said this to Ax and his friend Shelby on a night I walked across town for some company.
"What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger." (I Don't Know Who Coined It)
Everything Happens For a Reason... (Some Things Didn't Have to Happen the Way They Did Though)
St. Thomas Misses Me...
But Home is Grace and Time and Space has me Wishing for serenity, in case.
"There Comes a Time When Your Whole Life Boils Down To One Really Insane Move."
(I Guess For Me, It Was The November Skies. Instead of taking myself off the Map, I decided to let electronic currency take me home. It was some kind of self-fulfilled prophecy I wrote of in 2003 about a Tropic Goddess conceived named Vida Eve. A Breath of Life in a rainy November night.)
"He walks with a purpose, in his sneakers, down the street. He had many questions, like children often do."
"What Am I Running Frum?"
Someone Who Seeks Truth through Hardship*
"Don't Take The Easy Way Out."
"I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me. And its so, its so, sad to think that she don't see what I see."
Bruno Mars
"I See The Stars In Your Face and the Islands In Your Eyes..." "A Part of Me Died When I Cried In Peurto Rico."
Justin Crum
"Instead of being sad and letting go, you could've stayed excited and went for it and I would've made it easy for you."
Cruminal? Criminal??? Nah... Never : ) The Difference is U and not I ~ Jus Media Records*
I Live Life Until I Die And Then I Ascend Cuz I Live Life on the Edge Until the Molds Begin to Bend An Optical Illusion is a Tropical Vision Of Radiant Love for all the Gifts That I Have Given Hindsights 20/20, and Money Doesn't Matter Locked in Fantasies of Ecstasy and all the Laughter An Aura Thats Adorable and Full Circle Starin' at the Sunset Lavender and Purple A Goddess of Tropical Love and Faithful Courage Seeing Who I Am to Fulfill a Willful Purpose
How It Could've Been ~ Wish Ya Woulda Let Me Fly You There
But I would have never known what it was like to run in warm heavy beautiful rain. I would have never known what it was like to breathe under water. I would have never been interviewed for a commercial out of Manhattan Media in New York. I would have never been invited to the Virgin Island Radio Station. I would have never found Heaven on Earth - Thus clenching my personal proof that it is a place on Earth. I would have never learned about the Culture of Brazilians, which became the example I exert blissful wishes with... And for. I Would have never known what it was like to swim in warm water while it was actually raining. I would have never met the type of people in the Caribbean that appreciate me and embrace me for who I am, rather than the mainland America that seems to pass me by. I would have never known that I am the type of person who decided to love through hurt. I would have never found the music of a Caribbean Pirate and a sweetie island girl. I would have never met the governor of the Virgin Islands. I would have never known KRUM Bay was the harbor that generated power to the island of St. Thomas (which is the second most corrupt place in the United States).I would have never known how much the faculty of SOU was truly there for me when I came so close to throwing my life away in November. I would have never known what it was like to drink RUM on a tropical beach both on a warm night and day. I would have never pet an iguana in the wild for an hour. And finally, I would have never got my invitation to Dominica.
I'm lucky to be livin' and I'm lucky I'm not in prison***
And I Never Wanted to believe that every prayer I purged, all the faith I've felt, all the tears I've cried, everything I seen with my mind's eye... I never wanted to believe that it was all for nothing because that equals a terrible sadness. I pray someday that I can stand corrected. Maybe be reassured that my hopes aren't dead if my feelings still live.
This is Where I've Been...
And I'm Goin' There Again*
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dear Tony... Thanks For Your Support and Prayers* It Helps a World Like Mine ~ More Than You Know*
Your Counsel is one of the Brightest Insights I've Heard. And I Believe in your Words~
Whats up Tony,
It's spirited brothers like you that I appreciate in a world like this. I thank you so much for your prayers and support. Your story really lifted my spirits. Yet, at the same time, I feel like I might be in limbo about admitting to myself that I should let go. It's been a wild ride in this life of mine. I really got out and saw the world. Even if it meant losing an amazing ****. I wouldn't know that things could make any sense any time soon because I am only days away from leaving summer to enter an instant winter. I have already felt the reverse culture shock and instant seasonal shock too. Here I am in a tropical Paradise thinking of Christmas and December when my head, heart, body, and spirit are still very much locked in what feels like a lot of August. I admire your grounded foundation as a good man in a wicked world. You are so down to Earth that people like me are just as awesome in your eyes as all the people you come across in an awesome fellowship. Thanks for your help Tony. Take Care...
I am a world traveler that has ventured to Alaska, Ireland, and the Virgin Islands. I love writing, music, conversation, art, imagery, and humor.
I am planning to graduate and take myself to the Caribbean.
Maybe This Was That Butterlfy I Had a Dream About Weeks Ago
She Matched The Same Dimensions*
~Mars and Venus~
Centuries before the Martians and Venusians got together, they were happy in their own separate worlds. One day everything Changed. The Martians and Venusians on their retrospective planets suddenly became depressed. It was these mutual depressions that motivated them to come together.
When the Martians became depressed, everyone on the planet left the cities and went to their caves for a long time. They were stuck and couldn't come out, until one day when a Martian happened to glimpse through his beautiful telescope. As he quickly shared his telescope, the sight of these beautiful beings inspired the Martians, and their depression miraculously lifted. Suddenly they felt needed. They came out of their caves and began building a fleet of spaceships to fly to Venus.
When the Venusians became depressed, to feel better they formed circles and began talking with one another about their problems. But this didn't seem to relieve the depression. They stayed depressed for a long time until through their intuition they experienced a vision. Strong and wondrous beings (the Martians) would be coming across the universe to love, serve, and support them. Suddenly they felt Cherished. As they shared their vision their depression lifted, and they happily began preparing for the arrival of the Martians.
John Gray
A Blast from the Past*
I Crossed This Bridge~~~~
These are my Caribbean Brothers
Joe and Ray* I'll Miss You Guys a Helluva lot*
After I Came From the Sky Cryin' in November*
Stumpy Bay ~ A Sense of Adventure... About Being Found instead of Bound*
Me and Wendell...
On Behalf of the Writer's Block for Virgin Islands
The Stars Said It, Not Me...
Justin Crum -
August 18th, 1983
Sign appointed from the Sun - Leo
Sign appointed from the Moon - Capricorn
I Appreciate the finely tuned mechanics of sifting through facts and information, finding the truth of the matter, introducing order and reason into almost any situation. I am fixed in opinion, but not so inflexible that I won’t change my mind upon careful review of oppressing facts. To me, the cardinal sin is to be ignorant of ones ignorance.
I magnify the importance of a petty detail and then become resentful if others fail to see its significance. Work is important to me and I probably will accomplish a lot… Often I am at war within myself, both wanting things to come easily and needing to achieve solely through my own efforts.* Control - both of self and of events - makes me feel secure. As it turns out, I could possibly gain through my own hard work as opposed through the influence of others.
Governement of the Virgin Islands...
Roosevelt Park, Where I Met The People To Publish Me...
Me and My Friend Kerry*
Sleeping on the Paddy Wagon Tour :)
From The Boat To Saba
And at Black Point... A Lost Fossil~
I'm Down...
~Places I Can Say I've Been To~
Ireland Belfast Dun Laoghaire Trinity College Galway Cliffs of Moher Giant's Causeway The Carrick-a-Reed Bridge Coole Park (of Lady Gregory) Jameson Distillery (Where I was Certified for Being a Whiskey Drinker in Ireland) Phoenix Park (One of the 4 Largest Parks in Europe) Derry, Ireland Belfast Castle Trim Castle Dublin Castle Dunlace Castle
Boston New York New Jersey Atlanta Seattle Bay Area L.A.
St. Thomas St. John British Virgin Gorda (Nature's Best Kept Secret) Puerto Rico Magen's Bay Red Hook Trunk Bay Drunk Bay Cimminin Bay The Mermaid's Chair Francis Bay Savanna's UnderWater Caves* Sandy Bay (A Private Paradise Billions will never know) Coral Bay Coral World* Saba & The Flat Cays Saphire Beach KRUM BAY
I Jumped In And Never Thought Twice
~The Other World Is On The Right~
I Touched It
Still Wanna?
Next to KRUM BAY*
One of the Most Memorable Days at the Jungle
I Broke 2 Chainsaws and had to Swing Machetes and Chase That Iguana*
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